Southern Taichung English Speaking Group

Get Started

Basic Requirements

Everything here starts from our basic requirements.

Be Host

By volunteer or by turns.

Members can hold an official event instead of being a host.

Read and reply to group announcement daily

Announcement: Attendance, being hosts, official events, etc.

Daily: At least once a day. Why

Attend regularly

Attendance rate ≧ 70%

The regular members' line group will keep refreshing. Why

Members seldom to come need to say goodbye & quit the line group.

Notify your absence

Use Attendance vote in Line group to notify. Why Long Absence

Notify your Attendance before Saturday 10PM.

After Attendance vote, notify your absence by sending Line messages.

Our Attendance is recorded on Attend sheet How


Same time, same place, week after week.


South District, Taichung City.


Every Sunday night 7-9PM.

In case of cancellation

Equal or less than 4 attendees (normally on holidays or long weekends).
For safety's sake like typhoon or extremely heavy rain.


There are 2 regular sections and 1 optional section at our gathering.

1st hour: Personal topics


Your weekly life: Anything special.

Your special topic: Presentation, news...

2nd hour: Host topic


Topics brought by assigned hosts.

Optional: Special section


Special topics, articles, or activities.

Start of Orientation

Above sections will be introduced before new members' join.
And we will ask our Basic Requirements to every member, basically no exception.
Every new member needs to do our Orientation to know how to be a host and what to do for Recruitment. Please click to Orientation button to show the audio to help you to understand.

About being a host

  • Weekly topics contain a host topic, and optional special section topics.
  • Generally a host topic contains 1 main topic with about 3 questions.
  • Special section can be on the 1st or 2nd hour, independent or combined.
  • Arrange and put the schedule in the end of the weekly topics.
  • Post weekly topics on the Note of line group.


  • Post weekly topics before Saturday night.
  • Try to briefly explain special terms/nouns for some busy members. Why
  • Prevent Yes/No only questions: Also ask why/why not to prevent short answers.
  • Prevent issues causing uncomfortable feelings. Why
  • Try to stay neutral to controversial, arguable, or sensitive issues. More

Special section

Special section is an optional and short section for about 10-20 minutes, for special activities including sharing news/articles, playing games, having discussions, etc. Host can either prepare by himself/herself, or by cooperating with other members.

  • If you are not the weekly host and you have some ideas for special section, please contact the weekly host.
  • If you are the weekly host, don't worry there is no special section topics. If there is no special section, it just means nothing special.


Every member who has been a host can be a voter for recruitment.
Voters should consider if the applicant is good to here to vote.

  • Recruiters should check the recruitment Google Form every week.
  • If there are applicants, recruiters will call for a vote with a deadline.
  • Vote by selecting Approval (+) or Disapproval (-) to applicants.
  • If selected nothing or both to an applicant, it means no opinion.
  • After the deadline, recruiters will check and announce the result.
  • The decision will be made if there's no further opinion.

If the result is approval, recruiters will invite the applicant to attend and be our guest. The routine procedures are:

  • Do self-introduction. Members can do a simple self-introduction.
  • Introduce our Basic requirements / Gathering / Sections.
  • Let our applicants think and decide whether to join or not. More
  • The applicants can attend more times to have a clear mind to join.

Finish of Basic Orientation

Above is our Basic Orientation, and it's enough for most members.
Please click the Confirm button, to let us know Your opinions.
To know more about here, you can keep going down to do our Detailed Orientation.

Attend sheet

Attend sheet is used to record our attendance. The most important thing of Attend sheet is to be honest to it. It can:

  • Arrange hosts according to sequence.
  • Connect members' Names with their Line Titles.
  • Know whom you met on which gathering.
  • Know who are absent without notice for several weeks in a row.
  • Estimate how many members about to come in advance.
  • Count participated attendees after each gathering.

It's better to use a PC to access the Attend sheet, because smartphones may need to install extra Apps to view it. Also the typesetting is not suitable for smartphones to view it.
On the Attend sheet, click Expand to see the meaning of marks.
Frequently used marks are [●] Host & Attended / [○] Attended / [-] Absent with Notice. Please refer to the remainings from Attend sheet.

Background tasks

There are some background tasks to let most of members don't need to pay attention on some trivial things, and can just attend and enjoy our gathering. These background tasks are:

  • Attendance
    • Maintain attend sheet, arrange next hosts, assist current host, and do orientation. Weekly, by turns.
  • Recruitment
    • Hold vote, refresh, contact applicants, and introduce to applicants. Weekly, by turns.
  • Events

Make a change

Every change should be a plus to here, but it's hard to define what's good. Here are some common factors considered to be good to here:

  • Enhance members' willingness to participate.
  • Persuade members to put more efforts on English learning.

For example, asking members to prepare a lot will certainy be good on our English learning, but it will also make our members become reluctant to come, which is hard to be considered as a plus to here.

If you come up with a good idea, it's recommended to refer to how the present mechanisms are made to initiate:

  • Make a motion.
  • Introduce and discuss on the gathering.
  • Listen to opinions and past experience if any.
  • Have a vote to initiate.
  • Run experiments week after week.
  • Review, discuss, adjust, and make a final decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This study group doesn't have any membership fee.
    There are some official events may have some costs like outings, dinners, etc., but they are participated by volunteer, not compulsory.
    Moveover, the place we use is not officially authorized by the store and we didn't pay any fee to rent the place. We are just common customers to the store, so it's recommended to buy a food or drink from the store.

  • There is no group leader to dominate this study group.
    We tend to give everyone equal power and share equal responsibility, and no one has overwhelming power to change here casually.
    Instead, we've built some mechanisms to let this study group keep moving forward, without having to have someone to dominate here.
    There are some reasons we have some requirements, and also some reasons we don't do something unnecessary.
    These mechanisms are built with lots of experiments incrementally, step by step, week after week. Know how to Make a change.

  • It's welcome for the host to bring something special to here like games, role play practice, etc. as long as it's in accordance with our current ways.
    However, if it's required to do something special which differs from our current ways, in order not to change casually by anyone including a host, please put it out and discuss first.

  • Because uncomfortable feelings won't be good on learning, and will also reduce the willingness to participate our gatherings.
    Be aware not to assume everyone has similar standpoints, because we all have different background and situations.
    We hope attending here can bring our members positive momentum on English learning. The more we attend, the more we feel better and like here, the more we prepare and practice, and consequently the better we are. No one should suffer from the uncomfortable feeling caused.
    Also refers to About being a host.

  • It will be fine if we can stay neutral and be objective to a controversial or sensitive topic.
    It's inevitable that some popular topics are also controversial or sensitive. Since we all have different standpoints and opinions, generally it would be fine if we can stay neutral and be objective to discuss, and try to be tolerant and respect to others' opinions. Also refers to About being a host.

  • It's recommended to explain special terms, nouns, or content in short if it's hard to recognize soon.
    Although the intention itself is good to persuade members to prepare and learn more, we all have different English level and preference on learning. And things interesting to someone don't mean interesting to others as well.
    Therefore, try to explain something difficult in short, for members who are busy or not interested could attend without preparation and hesitation. Also try to make it more interesting, to persuade members to put more efforts and learn more. Also refers to About being a host.

  • Safety is the first priority. If happened, just notify your absence in the line group.
    It's also available to notify your absence after the gathering if you forgot accidentally.

  • The host can be absent as well. If you also can't make weekly topics, please contact the one assisting hosts and another host will be assigned.
    Sometimes something emergent might happen. It's recommended for the host to attend, but it's not necessary.
    If you've posted the weekly topics but can't attend, just same as usual, notify your absence in the line group.
    If you became unavailable to make weekly topics, please contact the one who assist hosts first, and another host will be assigned.

  • Why do we ask members seldom to come to say goodbye and quit the line group?

    Because members seldom to come likely make other members also attend less often, resulting in making our attendance rate lower.
    We are sorry this is the way to keep this study group refreshing. The meaning itself of joining here is to attend and practice English speaking.
    From members' point of view, it's not helpful for members seldom to come because they barely practice their English speaking after joining here.
    The more they absent, the more they feel like they are outsiders to here, and consequently the more they feel reluctant to attend.
    From this study group's perspective, members seldom to come are not only less contributive but also bring a bad effect, which is making others tend to feel it's fine if I only attend once in a while, or even I can be absent and remain slient forever, making more ones become seldom to come.
    Therefore, asking members seldom to come to say goodbye and quit became one of our Basic requirements.
    We will mention this before everyone's join, and basically no exception for everyone here.
    Besides, after quitting, it's very welcome for our ex-members to attend and be our guests from time to time, share their stories and new life with us.
    We will periodically refresh our members, specifically to members who are seldom to come or absent without notice for several weeks in a row.
    Basically there will be an announcement first, then have them quitted if there is no answer or attendance after 2 or more days.

  • For members who joined less than one month or haven't been a host, we'll recommend to quit first and join again later when available. Why
    You can keep in touch with any member here you know, and let the member add you in Line group again when you are available to attend regularly.
    For the remaining members, it's available to be absent for under 3 months. If over 3 months, it's the same as above.
    Also refer to our Basic requirements.

  • As we mentioned before your join, we are sorry we'll ask members seldom to come to say goodbye and quit our line group. Why

  • We didn't assign anyone to be a moderator or do time management.
    The reason is partly because it's hard to know how many tables we'll occupy beforehand, and also hard to assign extra members to do these things.
    To guide group discussion, the phrases are not hard to us, and we just need some practice.
    You can learn the phrases from EFL - Phrases for Group Discussions, and volunteer to be a moderator in the beginning of gatherings to practice.
    About time management, as a matter of fact we generally don't strictly manage the time unless we need to speed up to finish on time.
    No need to worry because if no one does above things, members with some experience will become the moderator generally.

  • Currently we do not separate into different tables before the gathering.
    During the gathering we'll separate into another table if there are over 7 members on a table.
    If it's estimated to have 2 or more tables beforehand, it's recommended to separate averagely on everyone's arrival.

  • Because from our past experience, it could take a lot of time if we don't ask, and sometimes we can't wait for several days in a row.
    Fortunately we don't have too much discussion on the line group. So we asked members to read group message, and reply only to group announcement like attendance, being hosts, official events, etc., only once a day. Also refer to our Basic requirements.

  • From our past experience, if members can be absent without notice or doing anything, they might just be absent and remain slient forever.
    We hardly have an example for a member who was absent without notice for a long time, then one day appeared and stayed with us again.
    The reason is the more they absent, the more they feel like they are outsiders, and consequently the more they feel reluctant to come.
    Sometimes it's the very slight connection for members who are busy or unavailable to attend for a while, to attend again on the off chance.
    Moreover, it's preferred to notify our absence before Saturday 10PM, to be able to know whether to skip our gathering tomorrow if equal or less than 4 attendees. Also refer to our Basic requirements.

  • We don't need to try hard to push applicants or guests to join.
    From a long term point of view, instead of having lots of members joined, it's more important after several weeks how many members still stay with us and attend regularly. Therefore, make our requirements clear, and let our guests think thoroughly to have a clear mind to make their decisions.
    Also refer to Recruitment.